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Building Community - Story Walk & School-Wide Mural

For a few weeks in early September, all students participated in an outside story walk. Pages from the book, Gifts from Raven, were displayed throughout our school yard for students to read and enjoy. Following the story walk experience, students reflected on their own ‘gifts’ and shared these as part of our new community mural.

"My gift is helping people"

"My gift is making people laugh"

"My gift is being a good friend"

"My gift is sharing things when people need it"

The mural will be on display at the front of our school until June. It reminds us of the many strengths and talents our students share that make up our school community. This connects to our school story focus-Social Emotional Learning-as we work to help students develop their sense of self awareness and social awareness.

Students were invited to share the mural with their families during our community welcome event.

We thank our team of dedicated staff who helped vision this project for our school.



Updated: Tuesday, September 26, 2023